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🔎 Quick Tip: Move artwork between Photoshop and Illustrator

Adobe Employee ,
Nov 16, 2021 Nov 16, 2021

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Use Photoshop and Illustrator together


Did you know you can move artwork between Photoshop and Illustrator? How cool is that? Suppose you want to create a logo in Illustrator and place it on images of shirts, stationary, and other items in your Photoshop files. You can do that. Or, if you want to use a Photoshop image in your Illustrator design, you can do that, too. We made big improvements recently to the copy/paste workflow from Illustrator to Photoshop and released them in version 23.0. Continue reading below to see the different methods you can use to bring work from one app to the other. If you want more detailed information so you can try it yourself, follow the links to the detailed help articles included at the end of each section and watch the video by Paul Trani. 



Use Photoshop artwork in Illustrator



Methods of bringing Photoshop designs into Illustrator

Open Photoshop files in Illustrator

You can actually open PSD files in Illustrator. This method preserves layers, text, and paths from Photoshop. Illustrator supports most Photoshop data, including layer comps, layers, editable text, and paths. 

Place Photoshop files into Illustrator

You can also place Photoshop files into Illustrator. They can be linked, or embedded directly into the Illustrator file. 


Place a linked Photoshop image into an Illustrator file 

Placing a linked file into Illustrator rather than embedding it saves space. It's also handy when you have artwork that is used in multiple files, and you only want to edit the original artwork once to see the changes everywhere the file is linked. When files are linked, artwork changes made to the source artwork in Photoshop are reflected in all of the Illustrator files it is linked to. 


Embed a Photoshop image into an existing Illustrator file

When you embed Photoshop artwork into an Illustrator file, it copies the full resolution artwork into the Illustrator file, resulting in a larger document. You can use this option if you do not want your artwork updated every time the original Photoshop file is edited. 


These methods preserve layers, text, and paths when bringing the artwork into Illustrator. Illustrator supports most Photoshop data, including layer comps, layers, editable text, and paths. 

Copy pixel selections to Illustrator

Another option is to copy a selection of pixels you want to incorporate into your Illustrator design, and paste them into the Illustrator document. 

Export paths to Illustrator

You also have the option to select any path or path segment in Photoshop that appears in the Paths panel, including shape vector masks, work paths, and saved paths and move it to Illustrator. The Paths To Illustrator command lets you do this easily. 


To learn more about using Photoshop artwork in Illustrator, see: Move designs between Photoshop and Illustrator.



Use Illustrator artwork in Photoshop


Methods of bringing Illustrator designs into Photoshop 

❶ Export Illustrator files as PSD files

You can export Illustrator files in the PSD format and then open them in Photoshop. this will preserve layers, resolution, and color profiles.

❷ Place Illustrator files into Photoshop

You can also place Illustrator files into Photoshop. They can be linked or embedded directly into the Photoshop file. 


Place a linked Illustrator image into a Photoshop file 

Placing a linked file into Photoshop rather than embedding it saves space. It's also handy when you have artwork that is used in multiple files, and you only want to edit the original artwork once to see the changes everywhere the file is linked.  Imagine a logo that is used on product images in 25 different Photoshop files. If you have the logo file linked and you want to change the logo color, you simply edit the Illustrator logo file. You won't have to update all the files that use the logo because you linked the original file instead of embedding it. When files are linked, artwork changes made to the source artwork in Illustrator are reflected in all of the Photoshop files it is linked to.


Embed an Illustrator image into a Photoshop file 

If you embed Illustrator artwork into a Photoshop file, the full resolution artwork is copied into the Photoshop file, which results in a larger document. You should use this option if you do not want your artwork updated every time the original Illustrator file is edited. 

❸ Copy and paste artwork as smart objects info Photoshop

You can copy and paste artwork from Illustrator to Photoshop with Smart Objects. This preserves the source content with its original characteristics and allows you to edit the artwork nondestructively.  

For additional details about copy/paste, see: Copy/Paste Illustrator artwork into Photoshop

To learn more about using Illustrator artwork in Photoshop, see: Use Illustrator artwork in Photoshop.


Check out this video by Paul Trani to see how it works: 

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Mar 15, 2022 Mar 15, 2022

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Just today, I updated to macOS Monterey and now I am having problems opening vector smart objects in Photoshop files. If Illustrator is closed, when I double click the smart object (or choose edit contents) Illustrator will launch but the file will not open. 

If Illustrator is open and I try to open the smart object, I get a Mac error window that says "The application "Adobe Illustrator 2022" can't be opened" with a -1703 error code. 




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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 01, 2022 Apr 01, 2022

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Hi there,


We have acknowledged this issue and logged it as a bug. We're are working with Apple to resolve this issue. So far, it appears that the issue is due to macOS 12.3 update, as users working on macOS 12.2 are not experiencing this issue. Check the reference thread here.







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