Free Live Lessons from Adobe Express
Aimed at 7-13 year olds, we'll get you and your pupils using Adobe Express to create two incredible pieces of digital media on important dates in the school calendar. Each lesson is 75 minutes long but there's a natural break right at around 45 minutes if you need to head off early.

Bring as many pupils/students as you like to the session as long as they have access to a device. Over 300,000 learners across the UK have taken part in live lessons to date!

Can’t join live? Register and use the replay with your class instead.

You’ll need:
  • The ability to show the live stream on your big class screen
  • A device for each student to use - laptop / desktop / iPad
  • Free Adobe Express accounts for students
If you’re in Wales, Northern Ireland or most of Scotland, your Adobe Express accounts are already setup. In a school or MAT and want to free Adobe Express for Education accounts? Go here to create your accounts.

Looking for some teacher training? Join our next UK Adobe Creative Educator training session here.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Check out a typical lesson below to see how it works! Click here to view all past sessions.
Pick your Express Session below! *
First name *
Your surname *
Your email address *
(no capital letters please!)
Your school *
How many pupils/students will attend? *
What age(s) will those students be? *
What devices will you be using? Students will all need their own device. *
Where are you based? *
Any topic suggestions for sessions in 2025? See this list for topics covered already.
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