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Deploy Adobe packages on Windows using Microsoft Intune

Applies to enterprise & teams.

Use Microsoft Intune to deploy Windows 64-bit packages created on the Adobe Admin Console.

This article guides you through the process of creating an Intune app, that you'll use to deploy Adobe Windows 64-bit packages created on the Adobe Admin Console.

  1. To deploy your package using Intune, you'll first need to download the Intune Win 32 prep Tool.
    Note: This is a one-time task.
  2. You will use the Intune Win 32 prep Tool to create an output Intune file from your Adobe package.
  3. Finally, you'll Publish the output Intune file to Microsoft Intune.
    Publishing the file creates an Intune app and then deploys your package to your target group.


To use Intune, ensure the following criteria are met:

  • Your end-user machines must use Windows 10 version 1607 or later (Enterprise, Pro, or Education editions).
  • The package that you download from the Adobe Admin Console must not be greater than 8 GB.

For more, read the Intune app prerequisites.

Download Microsoft Intune's Intune Win 32 prep Tool

Download Intune Win 32 prep Tool from

Create output Intune file

  1. Log in to the Admin Console and navigate to Packages > Packages.

  2. Download the package that you need to deploy.

    Extract the contents of the downloaded package (.zip) file.

  3. Open the command prompt or PowerShell, navigate to the folder that contains the Intune Win 32 prep Tool that you downloaded.

    Type IntuneWinAppUtil.exe (in the command prompt) or .\IntuneWinAppUtil.exe (in the PowerShell) and press Enter.

  4. When prompted, specify the following:

    1. The path of the Build folder of the package file that you've downloaded and extracted.
    2. The <package name>.msi or setup.exe file contained in the package Build folder.
    3. The output folder in which to create the Intune output file.
    4. On the final prompt, press Enter.
    Intune Win 32 prep Tool prompts
    Using <package name>.msi

    Intune Win 32 prep Tool prompts
    Using setup.exe

    Did you know?

    An easy way to enter the path of a folder in the Command window, is to simply drag the folder from Windows Explorer to the Command window.

After the process is successfully completed, the <package name>.intunewin or the setup.intunewin file is created in the output folder.

Publish the output Intune file on Microsoft Intune

  1. Go to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, navigate to Apps and click Add.

  2. Select the app type as Windows app (Win32).

  3. For the app package file, select the output Intune file that you created.

  4. Next, specify the information as required in the following screens:

    App information

    General information about the Intune app you are creating:

    • Name of the Intune app. Make sure all app names that you use are unique.
    • A Description for the app
    • Name of the Publisher.


    Installation and removal commands for the app:

    • Install command: Add the complete installation command line to install the app.
      • For the .msi file: msiexec /i msiName /q
      • For the setup.exesetup.exe --silent
    • Uninstall command: Add the complete command line to uninstall the app based on the app's GUID. You can get the GUID for the package from the Admin Console. For details, see View package details.


    The requirements that your end user machines must meet before the app is installed, such as:

    • Operating system architecture: Architectures needed to install the app (Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, or Windows ARM).
    • Minimum operating system: Select the minimum operating system needed to install the app.

    You may leave the fields in the following screens as default:

    Detections rules




    Specify the groups and devices to which your Adobe package is to be deployed.

    • For the specific app, select an assignment type:
      • Required: The app is installed on devices in the selected groups.
      • Available for enrolled devices: Users install the app from the company portal app or the company portal website.
      • Uninstall: The app is uninstalled from devices in the selected groups.
    • Select Add group and assign the groups that will use this app.

    For more information on managing users and devices, see Add groups to organize users and devices and Assign apps to groups with Microsoft Intune.

  5. Finally, review your settings and click Create.

You'll receive a notification after your package is successfully deployed to the target group.

You can also, view the status in the Managed Apps section.


The time taken to deploy your package depends on the size of the output Intune file and the internet connection both at your end and the machines where this package is being deployed. 

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