
Addressing Anti-Asian Hate and Violence EquityMatters! Newsletter from the MCPS Equity Initiatives Unit

We are all horrified by the brutal murders in the three spas in the Atlanta-area and the growing anti-Asian and violence. As employees of an education system, we must go beyond outrage and actively work to ensure that all students, families, and employees feel safe, seen, and valued in Montgomery County Public Schools.

The current wave of hate and violence against Asian Americans is not new. To fight back against bigotry, we need to educate ourselves about the experiences of the Asian American community in the United States and the long history of structural racism that was built into our systems of government, media, and education. The sections below are organized to help you answer the following questions:

  • What do I know about the diverse Asian American community in the United States and Montgomery County?
  • What are the current experiences of Asian Americans in Montgomery County?
  • What is the historical context of structural racism against Asian Americans?
  • What do I do in my practice to uplift the diverse experiences of Asian Americans?
  • What actions will I take to ensure the social emotional well-being of students, families, and colleagues?

With Appreciation,

Troy, Daryl, Deanna, Edvin, Ericka, Joan, Maniya, Marya, and John

In this Issue:

Anti-Asian Bias and Covid

What do I know about the diverse Asian American community in the United States and Montgomery County?

What are the current experiences of Asian Americans in Montgomery County?

The Rise In Anti-Asian Attacks During The COVID-19 Pandemic

According to the website Stop AAPI Hate, there were 3,795 hate incidents on Asian Americans between March 19, 2020 to February 28, 2021. "The number of hate incidents reported to our center represent only a fraction of the number of hate incidents that actually occur, but it does show how vulnerable Asian Americans are to discrimination."

An epidemic of hate: anti-Asian hate crimes amid coronavirus

A video from the LA Times

The Asian American Health Initiative

The Asian American Health Initiative (AAHI) works to improve the health and wellness of Asian American communities in Montgomery County. This site provides a demographic profile of local Asian Americans and discuss the "Model Minority Myth".

The core purpose of the League of Educators for Asian American Progress (LEAAP) is to sustain the advancement of the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Asian American community through service, support, recognition, and leadership development.

The Long History of Anti-Asian Racism, Hate, and Violence in the United States

What is the historical context of structural racism against Asian Americans?

Anti-Asian violence has surged in the US since COVID-19. But it didn't start there.

"Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a rise of anti-Asian hate incidents that has led to fewer customers for Asian-run businesses and a surge in violence as well. But this is just another chapter in a long timeline of anti-Asian bigotry that spans centuries of U.S. history."

In its writing and design, this is a beautiful and impactful website and movie that chronicles the heartbreaking story of Koji Oshima. Oshima was a Japanese American store owner who was preparing to be sent to an internment camp after U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the order to forcibly remove 120,000 ethnic Japanese from their homes.

The Chinese Exclusion Act

Examine the origin, history, and impact of the 1882 law that made it illegal for Chinese workers to come to the United States and for Chinese nationals in the U.S. to become legal U.S. citizens. The act is the first in a long line of acts targeting Chinese for exclusion which remained in force for more than 60 years.

Remembering 1882: Fighting for Civil Rights in the Shadow of the Chinese Exclusion Act

"Drawn from photographs, newspaper commentaries, political cartoons, and other objects...the Chinese Historical Society of America's Remembering 1882 exhibit provides a flavor for the intrigue, passion, and poignancy of this dramatic chapter in American history."

Classroom Resources

What do I do in my practice to uplift the diverse experiences of Asian Americans?

What actions will I take to ensure the social emotional well-being of students, families, and colleagues?

Addressing Anti-Asian Bias

These resources from Learning For Justice "...can help you teach the historical precedents for this moment, introduce ways for students to recognize and speak up against coronavirus racism, and start conversations with even the youngest learners about recognizing and acting to address injustice."

Covid-19 Related Anti-bias Education Resource Guide

The New York City Department of Education developed a great list of resources to help initiate discussions with your students and to provide empowering ways to stand up against hate including in a virtual space.

The Wuhan I Know

The Wuhan I know is an online comic about growing up in Wuhan before the coronavirus.

Resources from PBS Learning Media

For teachers who would like to incorporate Asian American history into their teaching, PBS Learning Media is a great resource. The site has a vast collection of short videos. Each video covers one topic and comes with discussion questions.

Most students want the adults to create safe spaces to engage in dialogue about the issues that impact them. This guide provides tools for staff and students to engage together.

Support for Families

Ally Building & Creating Safe Spaces for Asian-American Students

In this episode of Waymaking, Dr. Christina Conolly, MCPS Director of Psychological Services, is joined by Dr. Charissa Cheah, Professor of Psychology at UMBC, and Dr. Cixin Wang, Associate Professor of School Psychology, at the University of Maryland, as they discuss how COVID-19 has become racialized and how families can create a space for their children to stay safe and secure.

Public Service Announcements for AAPI families facing COVID-19 Discrimination

In response to widespread reports of Covid-19 discrimination against Asian Americans, the Division 45 Anti-Asian Discrimination Task Force partnered with members of the Asian American Psychological Association to develop a public education campaign to educate Asian American families. The task force taught them about how to discuss these issues with family members and communities, how to support those experiencing discrimination, and to seek help when necessary.

Past Issues of EquityMatters!

EquityMatters! is a regular newsletter produced by the MCPS Equity Initiatives Unit for staff, students, and families. Please explore past editions for more content and resources.

We greatly appreciate the contributions and feedback we received from our partners in writing this newsletter:

  • Darshan Jain and Jae W. Lee, Co-presidents of the MCPS League of Educators for Asian American Progress (LEAAP)
  • Aryani Ong, Founder and Co-Director, Montgomery County Progressive Asian American Network (MoCoPAAN)
  • Cixin Wang, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education, University of Maryland, College Park.
  • Julie Yang, CCIC, Magruder High School; Co-Chair, APASAAG (Asian Pacific American Student Achievement Action Group)


Please take two minutes to give us your feedback on this newsletter and to let us know what kinds of resources you would like to see.

Created By
John Landesman