
Father Christopher DiTomo Honoring #HeroPriests

Father Christopher DiTomo (Diocese of Rockford '11), St. Mary's in Huntley, IL, previously at St. Gall in Elburn, IL

Watch this video with Father Christopher DiTomo to hear about his Eucharistic procession through the streets on Palm Sunday.

Submitted by: Theresa Carter

Father DiTomo was one of the first priests in the area to figure out a way to continue the sacrament of Reconciliation to his flock. He would sit outside in the rain some days and make sure all confessions were heard. He offered daily Facebook Live opportunities for prayer—Divine Mercy, Rosary, Liturgy of the Hours, etc. He streamed Sunday masses as well as daily Mass without fail. He volunteered to minister to COVID patients in their hour of need. He held several opportunities to drive past the Blessed Sacrament for a chance to receive a blessing as well as to get a brief moment to adore our Lord. The most surreal and profound experience was his Palm Sunday procession with the Blessed Sacrament through the streets of Elburn with seminarian Jeff Filipski. He brought Jesus to the streets of Elburn for over four hours on foot to people who were unable to attend Mass due to restrictions, and to a people who were starving for the Lord, both physically and spiritually. He brought people a glimpse of hope and peace at a very scary, uncertain time. He was all in at all times to help ensure his flock were spiritually nourished during this proverbial wandering in the desert.

When you see a priest as engaged as Father DiTomo, it gives you a greater sense of God’s plan and purpose in our own lives. It makes it more tangible. It makes you want to more fully engage with the world around you and see it more through the eyes of Jesus.