Cannot scroll activated fonts in Creative Cloud App
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I have used the Creative Cloud app and activated a number of fonts. Some of them are listed in the active fonts in the Creative Cloud app but not all of them. I cant find a scrollbar so I can scroll down and look through all the font that I have activated.
I think you should be able to scroll through all the active fonts in the apps to see which fonts you have activated and look for a font that suits my needs at any moment. If I have already activated one font that will suit my needs at the moment I don't want to have to search for or activate another one or find that I have already activated it.
I have attached a print screen of the app. My suggestion is for Adobe to add a scroll bar to the list of activated fonts so I can look though all the fonts that I have activated without having to use photoshop or word to look for and find a font that suits my needs.
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I have exactly the same problem. It's extremely frustrating.
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Adobe sort this out please it's a massive P.I.T.A.
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You said it. Maybe it's too simple a problem for Adobe to solve. Why listen to their users?
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Hi All,
We are sorry for the trouble. We would request you to please share a short video of the issue so that we can investigate more about it. For immediate assistance, please contact our support team using our Contact us page and initiate a chat for direct assistance.
We will try our best to help.
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Just open a number of fonts in Creative Cloud and try to scan down the list. You can't. A video is uneccessary.
Please remove all the basically useless fonts from Indesign in future updates. Does anyone outside of Mynamar really use Nolo?
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I am trying to teach three classes of students to use these Adobe fonts and it is not working. In the past, it was very slow to activate.
It is extremely embarassing. Deactivation is hidden under account settings and I had to either restart photoshop after that or I crashed.
I have done this over and over. Sometimes I asks me to log in, sometimes not.
My fonts show as 'activated' but they are not working, even after restart.
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I just had this problem, I can see a scroll bar if I use my mouse wheel, as soon as I stop scrolling, the scroll bar disappears. If I time it just right, I can click on the scroll bar and use it after I stop using the wheel. It should really not be like this.
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Perhaps it just too simple a problem for Adobe to solve.
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On Studio with Ventura 13.4
Same problem here. If you're lucky you see the scroll bar for a second and then it's hidden again. So frustating !!!
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having this problem myself...there is no option to search for an installed font either...i don't kow how to get round this ?
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There is something so confusing about this Adobe fonts process that even when I practice, I get in front of a class and go down in flames.
Sometimes it's because of a lag in wifi in the classroom,
sometimes it's because I'm not logged in to Adobe fonts though I was definitely logged into Adobe to run the program,
sometimes it's because I had it turned off because I like to use my own fonts, or other fonts. Can you not have it both ways? (on and use other fonts?)
Sometimes I have had the filter on because those icons are not clear enough...include text? it looks like a horn which might work for you but I just can't "see" it.
maybe it's just teaching nerves.
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The Fonts section in the Adobe Creative Cloud app definitely needs some improvement. I hadn't paid much attention to the UI problems previously because I did all my font activating and deactivating at the Adobe Fonts web site. Now, in order to use synced Adobe Fonts in other applications not made by Adobe, I have to open the Adobe CC app, go its Fonts section and click the "install" button on those fonts I want available to the entire computer system. The process is a pain in the neck.
Some of the type families I've synced aren't properly organized; there is an "install family" button listed next to each individual font file/style. It's not very easy to collapse and expand families in the list of fonts. If a font family or individual style in the list is selected it is very difficult to de-select it. And while something is selected it is very difficult to scroll through the list of fonts. The scroll bar just makes a quick peek and then disappears before I can click on it.
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I'm baffled as to why Adobe set the fonts up this way, and why they don't at least in stall a scroll bar. Surely they have focus groups?
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I'm guessing Adobe made the font activation process more complicated for reasons related to font licensing. It's either that or a decision was made to make it more complicated to use Adobe Fonts in applications not made by Adobe. Either way, the new implementation is not very good. I really don't like how difficult it is to scroll through the list of fonts in the Adobe CC app. It can be pretty exasperating, especially with that scroll bar that likes to hide.
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oh my goodness I just googled this problem as I thought I had temporarily lost my mind and didn't know how to use a computer. Seems Adobe's UI team missed this little one... Hello, anyone from Adobe???
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The lost mind is Adobe's. Why this basic feature is not included is beyond me. Considering the lack of response about the missing scroll bars in Acrobat I'm sure we'll never see this one resolved.
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We're sorry for the delay. I would like to inform you that I have shared the info with our product team, which is a work in progress. Once I hear anything from them, I will keep you posted.
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Yep. It also has a habit of activating fonts I don't want to activate (i.e. Garamond Regular family when all I want is Garamond Medium). And that useless and irremovable list of Burmese fonts! Maybe they are used for creating other fonts, but what must they be in the available character list?
If you put a font in the system fonts folder it should be available. A caveat however: I did this, the font worked, and next time I wanted to use it was completely missing from the computer.
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I found a work around when working from a desktop computer with a keyboard. If you click on the line between the font list and the preview panel, you can then use your keyboard up and down buttons to scroll through the list. It can also be finicky, it froze once and wouldn't work, and I have no idea why. So far I would say using the keyboard up and down keys for scrolling through the font list works about 90% of the time for me. I hope this helps.
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Brava! I'll try it. Maybe some day Adobe will make the imrpovement that will actually en improvement.