Delivering on the GFF Promise: Protecting and Promoting the Health and Well-Being of Women, Children and Adolescents GFF Annual Report 2022–2023

Despite global challenges—from climate change to conflicts and debt—GFF partner countries are showing that progress is still possible.

More than 90 percent of countries partnering with the GFF have reduced maternal mortality and under-five mortality. Major progress has also been achieved in reducing adolescent birth rates, stunting and stillbirths.

Scroll down to read how GFF partner countries are rising to the challenge, the impact this is having on individuals and communities, and the how the GFF partnership is fulfilling its promise to #DeliverTheFuture for all.





The numbers tell a powerful story.

Since partnering with the GFF, countries have reached:

Tweet: In @theGFF partner countries, 100 million women have had at least 4 @WHO recommended antenatal visits (#ANC4). Together, we’re advancing health for women, children & adolescents—and transforming the way countries #InvestInHealth. Annual Report:

Tweet: In @theGFF partner countries, >130 million women have given birth safely, attended by a qualified health worker. Together, we’re advancing health for women, children & adolescents—and transforming the way countries #InvestInHealth. Annual Report:

Tweet: In @theGFF partner countries, 135 million newborns have been introduced to #breastfeeding within an hour of birth. Together, we’re advancing health for women, children & adolescents—and transforming the way countries #InvestInHealth. Annual Report:

Tweet: In @theGFF partner countries, >630 million people have accessed modern #familyplanning. Through strong leadership & commitment, GFF partner countries prioritize #SRHR, transform how they #InvestInHealth + accelerate action on #genderequality. Annual Report

#InvestInHealth #DeliverTheFuture #InvestInWomen

Tweet: Read how @theGFF partner countries are rising to the challenge to protect and promote the health and well-being of women, children, and adolescents in our Annual Report. #DeliverTheFuture #InvestInWomen #IWD2024

Tweet: When countries make longer-term investments in health, with a focus on the hardest-to-reach women, children, and adolescents, remarkable progress is possible. Learn more in our Annual Report. #InvestInHealth #InvestInWomen #IWD2024 #DeliverTheFuture

Click the button below to access the annual report social media assets.

Community Voices

In Kenya’s Kajiado county, Jannefer is among the many women who have benefited from access to modern contraceptives, safe deliveries, and pregnancy and nutritional care. Located south of the Kenyan capital Nairobi, rural Kaijado county has more than 150 health centers today, compared with only 10 in the past.

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In Bangladesh, Fahima leads sessions within schools as part of a GFF-supported program that aims to address adolescent pregnancy rates and keep girls in classrooms. She advises girls not to get married early and speaks to those who are already married against early pregnancy. This is empowering many adolescent girls to make their own decisions about their future.

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Berta, an adolescent health activist from Zambia, is passionate about reducing child marriages and teenage pregnancies in her community. The GFF Civil Society Organization (CSO) coalition in Zambia helped her better understand the policies and laws on reproductive health and rights, participate in decision making, and advocate for young people.

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In Senegal, 13-year-old Mariama has a new outlook on what’s possible thanks to an empowerment program supported by the GFF. She is now participating in vocational training and able to access safe spaces to discuss reproductive health and early marriage. The program is set to expand across other parts of Senegal and, in partnership with village health committees, enroll more than 50,000 more young girls.

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Victoria, a youth advocate from Liberia, became a powerful activist in her community following the pregnancy of one of her closest friends at the age of 14. With support from a World Bank–GFF project, her organization now advises young people on family planning and shares information on bodily autonomy and rights.

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In Kenya, Dr. Leah Bii leads a program that makes training available to nurses from rural communities, where access to quality health care is limited. She is immensely proud of what the program has achieved so far. More than 1,200 nurses have been trained to deliver health services for women, children and youth, empowering entire communities.

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