Cloud 5 season 1
Welcome to the Cloud 5 Series from AEM Engineering. One of the primary problems in the implementation phase of any product is having enough code samples and/or live demonstrations of those samples, tool, or APIs. The goal of this series is to deliver useful information about AEM as a Cloud Service in 5 minutes or less.
Visit the Suggestion Box for submitting topic ideas.
Season 1
Each season varies in length and is released on a fixed schedule. Season 1’s topics are primarily driven from past requests that we have come across in our day-to-day engagements with customers and partners. Visit this page for weekly updates or follow us on the social network of your choosing.
AEM CDN Deep Dive (part 1)
with Darin Kuntze & James Talbot, Senior Cloud Architects
Part 1 is a look at AEM as a Cloud Service's CDN, and how to use it in your implementation.
AEM CDN Deep Dive (part 2)
with Darin Kuntze & James Talbot, Senior Cloud Architects
Part 2 is a continuation of our look at the AEM as a Cloud Service CDN. We answer some of the more common questions and myths about what features you get with the new CDN.
Log Files & Logging
with Darin Kuntze & James Talbot, Senior Cloud Architects
This is a quick look into how to access logs in AEM as a Cloud Service, including how to access them via the user interface as well as from APIs.
Integrating with Access Tokens
with Darin Kuntze & James Talbot, Senior Cloud Architects
A quick overview and demo of interacting with login tokens for doing integration work within the cloud service environments.
Dispatcher in the Cloud
with Darin Kuntze & James Talbot, Senior Cloud Architects
Darin and James discuss the Dispatcher in the AEM Cloud including some best practices and differences from AMS/On-Prem.
Migration (part 1)
with Darin Kuntze & James Talbot, Senior Cloud Architects & Dr. Applesmith
Part one (of two) of our tips and tricks for migrating to the cloud. Our primary focus in part one is the best practice and prep-work that gets you ready to migrate.
Adobe App Builder
with Darin Kuntze & James Talbot, Senior Cloud Architects & Amol Anand
Come check out some cool things that you can do with Adobe App Builder and learn something new about the future of customizations in-the-cloud.