Mouse Was Curious. Are you?

Jumping Mouse in the Warm Summer Air Synopsis

March 31

Dennis Yerry & Kenneth Lieberson A Native American fable on the Power of generosity based on the work of Hyemeyohsts Storm Book adapted by Kenneth Lieberson

InstRumental music
Introduction: The forest home of the mice people the Narrator introduces the work: Jumping Mouse in the Warm Summer Air, a Native American fable on the power of generosity based on the work of Hyemeyohsts Storm.

At the end of the introduction, the Narrator says:

There once was a music

Scene I

Here we meet Mouse who is motivated by curiosity to find the source of a strange and wonderful sound. His fellow mice are not interested in his quest. They tell him: “Get back to work!”

Mouse travels from his home where he meets Raccoon, who is a gentle teacher and guide. Raccoon brings Mouse to the River which is the source of the mysterious sound Mouse heard. Mouse’s horizons are broadening. He overcomes his fear as he travels with Raccoon.

Scene II

Mouse and Raccoon arrive at the River. It was huge, breathtaking, deep and clear then in some places murky. Mouse is in awe of its power. before Raccoon leaves, he introduces Mouse to his next guide, Frog. Frog asks Mouse if he would like to have some Medicine Power. Mouse cannot believe his good fortune.

Suddenly there is a misunderstanding; Mouse is again frightened. With Frog’s aid, he learns to overcome his fear. In the process, Mouse sees the Sacred Mountains and is further inspired. Mouse returns to his people. He hopes to inspire them with his vision. To his great dismay, they are only interested in their immediate tasks.

None-the-less, the memory of what he has seen and experienced burned in his mind and heart. He summoned every bit of magic he received from Frog. This empowers him to swim across the Great River and begin his dream to make it to the Sacred Mountains.

Jumping mouSe

Scene III

The other side of the Great River.

Here Mouse meets first Buffalo, then in (Scene IV) Wolf, then Bear. Each of these beings are suffering. Mouse uses his magic power to heal them – in doing so, each time, Mouse gives up a part of himself – first an eye, then his other eye, then one of his legs.

Mouse offered himself up saying “Anyone who is in need, please come to me.” Instantly parts of himself flew off to heal others. Just as he thought his life was ending, he heard all the voices of the prairie - say, "Jumping Mouse… jump.”

Instantly, he jumped on his one leg... Instead of returning to earth, he felt himself transformed... The heart of Jumping Mouse was filled with ultimate joy and love for all living beings. Compassion and generosity transformed him to live again, as an eagle soaring high in the clear blue, his fears had melted away as the snow caps on the Mountain in the warm summer air.

Frank Sinatra School of the Arts

March 31 2017

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