Loving cocoro And liVing a healthier lifestyle With cocoro's pure coco sap sugar

It was just late last year when I discovered that there is more to cane sugar than I thought I already knew.

Years ago, I avoided white sugar for the reason that knowing that it's processed and is mostly the cause of some diseases. I always opted to use brown or muscovado sugar instead especially in cooking, making desserts and making my daily cup of joe a little sweeter.

Little did I know that even brown sugar is just as bad because it goes through the same process as white sugar. Naturally, muscovado sugar is your best bet, but recently I fell in love with Cocoro Sugar.

And it was during my visit at Little Owl restaurant in Quezon City where I tried both savory dishes and sweet treats with the use of Cocoro sugar, and my was I impressed!

Cocoro Sugar is locally made, naturally processed sugar made from coco sap. This makes it organic, vegan, and has a low glycemic index. Simply put, it's a great alternative to those who want to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.

Carrot Juice

Just imagine using this on your juice, coffee, even in savory dishes and most especially desserts!

Roasted Beet Salad

I truly enjoyed the Roasted Beet Salad esp. the Chicken Tocino which is used with Cocoro Sugar. Take note that it doesn't really have that coconutty taste that you might be expecting. Rather, Cocoro sugar only has a mild sweetness that you will surely enjoy.

Chicken Tocino
Calamansi Tart Brulee, Jud Blue, Chewy Cookies, Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies and sticky Pecan Pie

The best dessert I had during that time is the Milk and Truffle Gelati by Il Fiore Earth Cafe Gelato Lab, which recently collaborated with Cocoro Sugar for their love for sugar and living healthier lifestyles. So don't get left behind and take on a better path to living with Cocoro Sugar! You can check out their Facebook Page to find out where they are available and how much it costs. Cheers!

Created By
Nines Licad

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