


A series through the book of Acts

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” Acts 1:8

When the reality of the Gospel grips His local churches it inevitably creates a culture – a gospel culture – that makes the glory of Christ visible in the world. Yet, in too many churches, this gospel culture is missing. When that happens, churches become fragile at best and hypocritical at worst. So, how do we, by God’s grace, create a culture that reflects the power, beauty, and nature of what God has achieved in Jesus?

We want to invite you to join us for our verse-by-verse study on the Book of Acts. We will see how the gospel transforms the culture, and sends us out on mission, so that the gospel will spread to the ends of the earth.

To help you learn and reflect as we journey through Acts you are invited to pick up a Scripture Journal this Sunday.

website highlights

Preparing for Gathered Worship

There you will find resources to help you prepare for and process our Sunday morning gathering. We invite you to use the study questions and songs to prepare your heart for worship, to lead your family in study and worship, and to use in your Life Group. Feel free to interact online as well. You can sign up using your Facebook account and get notified when new posts are made.


Keep up with events on our home page and RSVP as needed.

Life Group

Not connected to a Life Group, check out locations, times and more information on the Connect section of our website.


Don't forget the NEW way to give via text messaging. Simply text your amount to 720-730-8025 and follow the steps. First timers will go through an easy registration process.

calvary institute update

the book of JAMES

Imagine getting a letter that begins, “Welcome trouble!” Would you read any further?

What to Expect

James begins his letter with the ironic call to joy through trials (paraphrased as “Welcome trouble” in the Phillips New Testament). How does that happen? Is it actually possible or even realistic for us to apply his words to our own daily difficulties?

Early in the history of the church a controversy arose over faith and works. Last week we considered that debate in Acts 15. James, the leader of the early church in Jerusalem, was at the center of that critical discussion. You can read a summary of our discussion on our resources link below.

Does the connection between joy and trouble have anything to do with the debate over faith and works? Join us this week as we start into the letter that James wrote. Be a part of the discussion and see what God might want to teach us through His Word.

Calvary Institute meets at 8:30 every Sunday. Child care is provided.

Overview of James

calvary upcoming events

2nd sunday potluck

Plan to stay after the worship service THIS Sunday for feasting and fellowship.

Sign up below to bring a dish to share!

men's breakfast

Calling all men of Calvary Restoration! I'll be hosting a men's breakfast on Saturday, Nov. 16. There will be some fellowship, there will be some prayer, and there will be lots of 🥓! Please spread the word as this will be a great opportunity to connect authentically with one another. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better. My address and cell number are below. Let me know if you would like to bring a breakfast item to share.

Austin Kirsch: 601-951-6553

baby dedication service

November 24th | December 22nd

Our church has been blessed with several new little ones and we want to bless them and their parents.

If you would like to dedicate your baby during our Sunday morning worship please register at your earliest convenience

thanksgiving service

What are you thankful for? Give that some thought. You'll have an opportunity to share with the congregation during our worship time on November 24th.

women's christmas tea

Join us for our first annual Christmas Tea for a day of celebration and fellowship.

year end celebration + chili cook off

December 8, 2019 | 4:30-7pm

Mississippi Ave Baptist Church

More details to come. Stay tuned.


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Created By
Sandra Vanhooser