TimeZone (UTC)
![]() Welcome to our virtual workshop registration! For questions about OK2Ask®, please email OK2Ask@sflinc.org. If you’d like to be added to our OK2Ask® email list for registration announcements, please visit http://bit.ly/K12PD_OK2AskEmailSignUp. Cool Chrome Extension: Insert Learning Tuesday, May 07, 2019 11:00:00 PM UTC - Wednesday, May 08, 2019 12:30:00 AM UTC
Learn to use this cool Chrome extension to create engaging lessons for your students. The Google Chrome browser offers users the ability to customize the browsing experience and tailor it to individual needs or preferences. Insert Learning is a Chrome extension that can help teachers create differentiated lessons using web page content. Come to this session to learn to use the Insert Learning extension to create engaging lessons for your students. This session is for teachers at ALL technology comfort levels.** OK2Ask are hands-on exploratory workshops, not sit & gets. We highly recommend you attend using a computer with an updated browser (Chrome or Edge). Those attending on mobile devices may not be able to participate fully and therefore may not receive a certificate. You are welcome to join us on a mobile device, but this may jeopardize your ability to receive CEUs. As a result of this session teachers will: Understand what Chrome extensions are; Learn to use the Insert Learning extension; and Plan for the use of Insert Learning in the classroom. Applicable ISTE Standards for Educators (2017)*: 1A; 1B; 2C; 5A; 7B * The text of these standards is copyrighted. Please read the full text at ISTE’s Standards page: https://www.iste.org/standards/standards/for-educators **Read more about technology comfort levels for OK2Ask here. We suggest these levels to be fair to all who attend. If you sign up for a session that is above your comfort level, you may have difficulty keeping up. Please plan to watch the archived recording after the session to catch up on things you missed. If you've never used Adobe Connect, we suggest that you run a If you plan to attend the session via a tablet, please install the Adobe Connect App from the Apple or Android store. You WILL need a separate keyboard in order to participate fully (and earn a professional development certificate).