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Analysis Workspace New User Guide Learn how to analyze & action from data using Analysis Workspace!

Analysis Workspace is a flexible browser tool that allows you to quickly build analyses and share insights. If you only have a few minutes, watch this brief overview to see what is possible.

Analysis Workspace looks awesome. Where do I start?

Log into the Experience Cloud (, navigate to Adobe Analytics, then click the Workspace tab.

Your first stop should be the Analysis Workspace Training Tutorial, which walks you through common terminology and steps for building your first analysis in Workspace. To begin the tutorial, click Create New Project and then select Training Tutorial within the new project modal.

The tutorial was great - where do I go from here?

Once you've completed the tutorial, you are ready to begin building your first project. The new project modal will provide you with different options for starting your analysis. You can choose to start from a standard, Adobe-provided template, a custom template created by your organization, or a blank project.

To quickly find an insight without lifting a finger (well, you will have to mouse click a little bit), start from the Quick insights panel. Fill in the panel much like you would Mad Libs, and a table & visualization will automatically build for you!

When working with the Quick insights panel and Workspace generally, it is always helpful to keep this cheat sheet for components (dimensions, metrics, segments, date ranges) in your back pocket. Combinations of these components will yield answers to different business questions you might have.

Build your first freeform table

The quickest way to construct your very first table is to select one (or many) components from the left rail, and drop them directly into any blank space in the canvas. We will automatically build a table for you in a recommended format. Instead of worrying about what goes where, you can spend time reviewing what we built and where each component best fits.

Once you have a sense for what goes where in a table, you can begin dragging & dropping more adhoc components to build your analysis. Drop-zone guides will lead the way as you do this - blue guides indicate you are about to take a valid action that will result in data, while orange guides indicate when invalid data will result.

Adding visualizations and panels to your project

In addition to tables, visualizations and panels are more building blocks for your analysis in Workspace. On the far left rail, select the middle Visualizations icon or the top Panels icon to see a full list of what's available.

  • Visualizations, such as a bar or line chart, can then be added on top of the tables you've built. More advanced visualizations are also available depending on the insights you are looking for; e.g. Flow for journey analysis, Cohort for retention analysis, and more.
  • Panels will return a full set of analysis for key use cases, such as Marketing attribution or Target test analysis.

Once you've added a panel or visualization to your project, the component dropdowns will help you build from there. These dropdowns should look very familiar - you used them earlier while interacting with the Quick insights panel! They are pre-populated with a list of compatible components for the analysis you are about to build, so you can have confidence you will reach an insight quickly.

Adding segmentation to your analysis

Segmentation is one of the most powerful capabilities within Adobe Analytics. It lets you apply focused audience filters to your analysis and find actionable insights in your data. While segmentation is considered one of the more advanced capabilities in the product, Quick Segments allow you dip your toe in and scale your learning over time. Quick segments can be built right from your analysis workflow, enabling you to skip the complexity of the full Segment Builder.

Note: Before you start applying segments, we recommend you read through our Segmentation documentation, especially the topic of containers. Once you are ready to start building your first segment, continue onto the video below!

You made it!

Congratulations! Throughout this page, you learned how to take the very first steps toward analyzing, finding insights & taking action from data in Analysis Workspace. If you are looking for more guidance, continue on to our video training guide.

Still using Reports & Analytics?

If you are using Reports & Analytics and are worried about making the jump to Analysis Workspace, try leveraging Reports from the new Adobe Analytics landing page experience.

While the new landing experience is optional today, it will soon become the default Adobe Analytics landing experience. It is the first big step in an effort to end-of-life Reports & Analytics. On January 4, 2022, Adobe announced plans to end-of-life Reports & Analytics, as well as the SiteCatalyst point-product, by December 31, 2023.

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