PUBG Erangel/Miramar Map Settings PUBG Erangel/Miramar Map Settings LOOT SETTINGS: Adjustable Ratio & Adjustable Total Number: 1.9x SERVER MODE: Esport Mode PLAYER CAMERA RESTRICTION: First person only (FPP) MAP OPTIONS: Sunny Red zone: Off Convert dead player to observer: Off Public spectating: Off Killer spectating: Off ATTACHMENTS: Sight Attachments: 1.1x Magazine Attachments: 0.55x Muzzle Attachments: 0.77x Foregrip Attachments: 1.3x Stock Attachments: 1.65x Stock Quiver: 0x CONSUMABLES: Heal items: 1.1x Boost items: 0.9x Gas Can: 0.3x EQUIPMENT: Backpack: 0.6x Helmet: 0.8x Helmet level 3: 0x (available in care package) Armored Vest: 0.8x CLOTHING: Clothing: 0x Motorbike w/ sidecar: 0x Circle Settings Circle Number	Delay	Wait	Move	DPS	Shrink	Spread	Land Ratio 1	90	180	270	0,6	0,4	0,5	0 2	0	90	120	0,8	0,55	0,56	0 3	0	60	120	1 0,6	0,56	0 4	0	60	150	3	0,6	0,56	1 5	0	50	120	5	0,65	0,56	0 6	0	50	120	8	0,65	0,56	0 7	0	50	90	10	0,65	0,56	0 8	0	50	60	14	0,7	0,56	1 9	0	10	160	18	0,001	10	0 AMMUNITIONS: Ammunition: 1x Ammo Bolt: 0x Ammo Flare: 0x WEAPONS: Sniper rifles: 1.5x DMR’s: 2x Assault Rifles: 1.4x Hunting Rifles: 0x LMG’s: 0.4x SMG’s: 1.8x Shotguns: 0.9x Handguns: 0.4x Throwables: 1.3x Stun Granade: 1.2x Frag Granade: 0.7x Molotov Cocktail: 1.1x Smoke Granade: 1x Spike Trap: 0x Melee Weapons: 1.7x Crossbow: 0x Flare Gun: 0x
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