150 Ways to Live Well IN NB

In the spirit of Canada’s 150th Birthday, we are going on an adventure – 150 Ways to Live Well in New Brunswick! We hope to inspire all New Brunswickers to explore our beautiful province, while living well and making lasting memories

Live Well! Bien Vivre! (LW!BV!) is about community connections, new experiences and exploring outside the box.

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This week we are following Jo, our Communications Officer, as she shares how she has been living well ........................................................................... On a regular day living well for Jo means time spent in the woods with her four legged companion Ruby or perhaps hunting for old junk at a flea market.
Jo's Story this week
I decided to live well by engaging in touristy activities around NB. I fell a lot, laughed even more, made some new friends and connected with old friends. Living well this past week has been about new adventures, and exploring the place I am from.
1 | Took a trip to Mactaquac Provincial Park to go skating. This time of year the sun sets behind the pond, making for a picturesque way to end a long winter's day.
2 | These two girls lent me a GT so I could try my hand and sliding down the hill. While I made it down in one piece I did not have my dad handy to tow me back up!
3 | I had never been to the Hopewell Rocks before, I went on a whim and I did not regret it. I am extremely grateful, that I was able to hike through the woods to see these beautiful old rocks. If you have a chance to go off season I would say take it, perhaps pack snow cleats, the trail system is icy in the winter!
4 | I had to pull over to take this photograph of Mary’s Cove. Mary’s Point Road is something you need to experience; it is the part of the scenic route on the way to Cape Enrage. I stopped in a church parking lot for fifteen minutes and watched the water without a single human interrupting my view.
5 | The drive in to Cape Enrage had me a little nervous, dodging downed trees from the most recent ice storm, but when I saw the Bay of Fundy poking through the gaps in the tree line I knew I had to keep on. I loved this place, full of boardwalks and incredible viewing towers. I plan to make a trip back in the spring or summer to check out the Cape Enrage Nature Preserve and stroll along the beach.
6 | Fundy National Park; my first order of business was to find a washroom, and since the Yurts are open all season I was lucky enough to use a real washroom (for the first time all day). I am happy I made this last stop, the trail was so beautiful the setting sun passing through the trees created the perfect mood for my last walk of the day. I didn’t stay long this time, but have booked a camp site in June for one night, long enough to get sticky buns in Alma (all that really matters).
7 | I have a friend who is obsessed with old snowmobiles, when I am lucky, he lets me to drive them on his trail. Driving a vintage Elan through the woods, just slightly faster than a walking pace, is my kind of snowmobiling. I will take any chance I am given to be in nature.
That is it from me friends, thanks for coming along, I had an exceptional week. I can't wait to fill you in on my next set of adventures.

Stay tuned while LW!BV! highlights 150 Ways to Live Well in New Brunswick.

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Live Well! Bien Vivre!


Created with images by James P. Mann - "-21C Fundy National Park"

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