
GTK: Yvonne Whaley

How old were you when you started playing softball?

I was four years old when I started playing softball.

What made you want to play softball?

My sister was the one who wanted to play when she was little. She was eight at the time and all her friends had been playing so she wanted to play too. My parents decided to put sign both of us up at the same time.

Why did you keep playing the sport?

I kept playing because I grew so much love for the game. It is the one thing that I can always be myself with.

What has been your favorite memory in your playing career?

My favorite memory is when my travel ball team, Scrap Yard International, took the entire team to Japan. I learned so much about a completely different culture than mine as well as how the game of softball is played across seas. I got to go with people that I love so much and experience a once in a lifetime trip.

What is your favorite thing about the game?

My favorite part of the game is the competition. I always strive to be the best in whatever I do, that includes things on and off the field. I credit this hunger to softball. If it wasn’t for this, I don’t think I would be who I am today. Its fun to compete with and against my teammates every day.

Who is someone who has inspired you throughout the years?

My biggest inspirations are my two grandmothers. Unfortunately, one is no longer with me but the other one is my rock. They made so many sacrifices for my parents who in turn have given the best they possibly could. I just want to show them that all they have done will not go in vain for the generations that come after them.

What are you most proud of?

The thing that I am most proud of is earning my spot on the team. Where I am from, it is rare for athletes to go a Division I university but I made that my top priority. When I put my mind to something, I am very hard to shake so earning a chance to play here is something that I will cherish forever once it is over.

Why did you choose to play here at Texas Tech?

Texas Tech was the only place that I felt like home. I visited a few other places but none of them made my heart flutter like Texas Tech did. The coaching staff and the team made me feel like this was something special that I needed to be a part.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time I love to lay in bed and watch Netflix all day. If I had my dogs with me in Lubbock, they would be my cuddle buddies.

What is your favorite thing about Lubbock?

My favorite thing about Lubbock is the community. They are very supportive of us even when we feel our worst. If I was wearing a Texas Tech softball shirt in public, they would not hesitate to congratulate our team on our year we had. Something that I am so grateful I get to be a part of.

How have you seen yourself change, both on and off the field, since you arrived at Tech?

Who I am as a person has changed greatly since I have been at Tech. My teammates and the staff are so supportive its incredible. They have helped me realize the person I am and made me feel comfortable that I can always show who I am with no hesitation. They make me feel proud to be a young woman.

If you got to have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

My grandmother, Big Momma. Before she passed in June of 2005, we were best friends. I would just want to tell her everything that has been happening in my life, as if she doesn’t already know. I would love for her to hear that she is a big part of the reason why I hold myself to a high standard.

What are your three biggest goals while you’re here at Texas Tech?

  1. Earn my master’s degree.
  2. Become an All-American.
  3. Learn to be the best version of myself every day.

If you were to be remembered by one thing, what would you want it to be?

I would want to be remembered by being the person that people can always lean on and be themselves without fear of judgment. I love to be myself and it makes me feel nice that others can feel the same way around me.

SPEED ROUND: What is your favorite…

  • Movie: 42, The Great Gatsby
  • Book: The Great Gatsby
  • Meal: Pizza or a Cheeseburger
  • Color: Gold
  • Band/Musician: Cardi B
  • Day of the Week: Saturday
  • Type of music: Old R&B/ Rap
  • Hobby: Sleeping and eating
  • Vacation Spot/Dream Vacation: Bora Bora
  • Ice Cream Flavor: Cookies and Cream
  • Candy: Trolli Sour Brite Octopus
  • TV Show: The Office; Little Women: Atlanta
  • Cartoon Character: Spongebob
  • Animal: Dog
  • Sport: Football

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