A Taste of Hong Kong TLC's new show with Ian Wright and Chef Christian Yang starts September 30

When I found out about Ian Wright's visit to the Philippines, I was so excited. Imagine meeting THE original Globe Trotter face-to-face!

Ian, on his ever continuing quest to discover the world, teams up with Chef Christian Yang and thanks to one of my all time favorite channels, TLC, both are hosting this hot new show called A Taste of Hong Kong. But there are many travel/cooking shows out there, so what's so different about it for the viewers?

This I had to find out. Meantime, I helped myself with these yummy asian bites such as the Beer Drunken Scallop, Bloody Mary Fish Balls and Yin and Yang Coffee Custard Tart.

I love everything on this photo!

Not long after, I got a chance to meet the guys from the Hong Kong Tourism Board, who were very friendly and hospitable, much like how Filipinos are known to be the same. Soon, the program started and Simon Wong, the regional director of the board, welcomed us to what we are about to find out on that day.

HK Tourism Board Regional Director Simon Wong

Then, the two hosts of the show finally got on stage! Both were cheeky in nature and I thought that it was one of the things on why they jived so much. I am loving this English-Chinese team up! They are so funny as well!

Chef Christian and Ian talks about the new show

So here's the gist of A Taste of Hong Kong: both hosts go around the city on each episode, as they try to come up with a dish that is to be served in a specific group. There are themes on each episode and while Chef Christian does most of the cooking, the Globe Trotter himself (Ian Wright), goes on to just being himself! Trying out food, meeting new people, telling chefs if he likes their food or not.

Personally, I loved the new concept and I look forward to watching it!

As for more highlights during the media event include games wherein the guests can team up with Ian and Chef Christian. Aside from that, an Instagram Contest was also announced and the winner will receive a flight to Hong Kong and a pass to the Wine and Dine Festival on October!

The hosts and the contestants making fishballs (spotted: it's Jane from janedchua.com!)

Thinking that my luck my strike on that day, I decided to join the IG contest and took a photo while I used one of the backdrops at the event. See my prized photo on my IG page @nineslicad 😊

Who knows? Maybe I might win, right?

Before the announcement, photo ops were also given. Just look at how charming we are here!

And lo and behold, guess who won? Hello Hong Kong!

I'm so happy right now and I can't wait for next month! Only a few weeks left to go before my trip

And the best thing?

I was already booked on a date earlier than the suggested dates on my free trip. I mean, my mind was blown! How cool is that!?! Two HK trips in two weeks. That wouldn't be a fun trip.

That would be EPIC!

Follow my journey to HK next month and catch A Taste Of Hong Kong on TLC Asia this coming 30th September at 6:35pm BKK/JKT and 6:40pm MNL

For more information, go to www.tlcasia.com or check out these hashtags on IG: #TLCatHK #discoverHongKong #ATasteOfHongKong

To see more of my latest food adventures, visit my newly revamped website below!

Created By
Nines Sy Licad


Nines Sy Licad

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