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GTK: Michaela Cochran

How old were you when you started playing softball?

I was around five years old when I started to play softball.

What made you want to play softball?

My grandpa and uncle got me into the sport but my mom also played when she was younger so that made me want to give it a try.

Why did you keep playing the sport?

I decided to quit when I was 11 years old and I realized if I have an opportunity to play this game, I do not want to miss out on it ever again.

What has been your favorite memory in your playing career?

My favorite moment is definitely Selection Show Sunday and we found out that we were going to Baton Rouge for a regional. I do not know how long I have dreamed of playing in the NCAA tournament.

Who is someone who has inspired you throughout the years?

My younger sister and cousins have inspired me throughout the years. I want to set a great example for them and that motivates me to push even harder through the adversity I am faced with day in and out to show them you can do anything you dream of if you work hard for it. I will forever be grateful to them for the constant love and support that they show me.

What is your favorite thing about the game?

In a split second, the game can change and that is why I love it so much.

Why did you choose to play here at Texas Tech?

Tech was one of the only schools that took a chance on me, despite standing at 5'3" and not hitting but one home run in my career prior to my freshman year at Tech. I also love our campus, that was another thing that drew me here.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy napping, Netflix watching and HANGING WITH ACE.

What is your favorite thing about Lubbock?

I love the college town atmosphere. It sounds so cliche, but it is one of the best in college sports. I also like that it is not too close to home but also not too far.

If you got to have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Kelly Boston. Mr. Boston was always filled with so much positivity and wisdom. I would love one more chance to talk through life and catch up on everything that has happened.

How have you been able to overcome your injuries and what/who has helped you along the way?

If I did not have the family and teammates that I do, I am not sure that I would have been able to do an ACL surgery much less two.

What are your three biggest goals while you’re here at Texas Tech?

  1. I want to graduate with a GPA above 3.5
  2. I want to break the single-season hit record
  3. I want to be an All-American

If you were to be remembered by one thing, what would you want it to be?

Stability. I want to be remembered as someone that was always there for the people that needed me.

How have you seen yourself change, both on and off the field, since you arrived at Tech?

Arriving day one on campus, I had not endured one single injury, minor or major. I can see where ACL tears end athletes careers. The strength and motivation that has been developed in me through my years here are undeniable. I have seen this shy and uncertain girl turn into a powerful and secure girl that knows no matter the circumstance I will overcome it.

What are you most proud of?

I have talked about this a lot but I am most proud of overcoming two serious injuries.

SPEED ROUND: What is your favorite…

  • Movie: The Lion King
  • Book: Does subtitles on Netflix count?
  • Meal: Chuy's Queso Compuesto
  • Color: Black
  • Band/Musician: Yella Beezy
  • Day of the Week: Friday
  • Type of music: Hip-Hop or R&B
  • Hobby: Napping
  • Vacation Spot/Dream Vacation: Bora Bora
  • Ice Cream Flavor: Cookies & Cream
  • Candy: Tropical Skittles
  • TV Show: One Tree Hill
  • Cartoon Character: Eeyore
  • Animal: Tortise
  • Sport: College Softball

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