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Bring the Smiles Back!

For some families, getting the dental care their kids need has always been a challenge. In 2020, the COVID shutdowns made accessing dental care even more difficult. Now, safety-net dental clinics are struggling to serve a backlog of patients and more families are facing financial hardships.

When treatment is delayed, cases become more severe, costs grow, and children suffer.

By giving to our More Smiles Campaign, you'll help kids in need of urgent dental care get their smiles back! This month, our goal is to raise $25,000 to provide grants to pay nonprofit dental clinics for the direct care of kids in desperate need of dental treatment that costs more than their families can afford.

Since 2006 America's ToothFairy has helped more than 8 MILLION kids access dental care and preventive services through our program members. More Smiles Campaign grants usually range between $500-$1,000 and will be issued to our member nonprofit dental clinics to pay for the direct care of a child in need of urgent or restorative dental care.

Every donation helps!

You may opt to fully-fund a grant or we can combine your gift with other donations to fund a grant and help a child in need.

Your gift can help kids like Stacey:

Stacey needed help. Her situation seemed hopeless.

Her father is in prison and her mother has not been around since Stacey* was little, due to drug addiction. As a result, Stacey lives with her grandmother, Sue. She desperately needed a crown, which was not covered by her state-funded health plan and cost more than Sue could afford living on Social Security.

Stacey's dental care provider turned to us for help.

As a member of our Dental Resource Program, Apple Tree Dental, a nonprofit dental clinic in Mounds View, Minnesota, can receive In the Gap grants to help patients in need of services that cost more than they can afford. When their Director, Suzanne, called Sue to tell her the entire cost of the procedure would be paid in full she exclaimed, "Oh my goodness, I have goosebumps! Thank you, thank you!"

*Child's name has been changed to protect her privacy.

Caring donors make stories like this possible.

"It's things like this that remind me why I love my job," Suzanne told us. We feel the same way! Our generous donors not only provided Stacey with much-needed dental care–they also showed her that her oral health matters. She matters.

We can’t do this important work without support from organizations like yours! As the number of patients without access to dental care continues to grow, support like yours is critically needed to help provide dental services for the most vulnerable populations."

— Mary Larkin, Apple Tree Dental, Mounds View, MN

Click here to read more Stories of Impact.

The COVID-19 shutdown put dental care on hold for months, making tooth decay a much bigger problem!

— Kristyn Glenn, Dientes Community Dental Care, Santa Cruz, CA

your gift will pay for the direct care of a child or teen in need.

When you give to our More Smiles Campaign you'll be providing restorative dental care for a child who may be too embarrassed to smile or in too much pain to eat, sleep, or go to school.

Once their treatment is complete, you'll receive a letter of thanks from the child or their parent to see the difference you've made in their life!


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