What’s new in ESTK 11

Key catalogs for key-based (indirect) referencing

ExtendScript 11 support key catalogs for indrect referencing. You can define a key for a file or resource in your project; updating the key will update the references to the file or resource everywhere.

A key catalog is a collection of all the keys in your project—you can manage all the keys from the key catalog.

The key mapping consists of:

  • Key name

  • Referenced file

  • Type of the source file containing the key definition

  • Source file containing the key definition

  • Information for using the key as a text variable

The key catalog consists of:

  • A unique key catalog tag

  • A hash-based list of key mappings

  • Count of key mappings (including duplicate ones)

  • Type of the source file containing the Key Catalog (KEYDEFSRC_NONE, KEYDEFSRC_DITAMAP)

  • Source of Key Catalog. (DITA Map or other document holding the Key Catalog)

  • Name of the client owning the key catalog.

  • Appropriate Flags

New APIs for Key Catalog functionality

The following new APIs support the key catalog functionality

  • NewKeyCatalog

    Creates a new key catalog with the specified 'tag'.

  • GetKeyCatalog

    Finds a key catalog with the specified 'tag'.

  • NewKeyDefinition

    Adds a new key definition to the specified key catalog.

  • UpdateKeyDefinition

    Updates the specified key definition field for the specified key in the specified key catalog.

  • GetKeyDefinition

    Gets the specified key definition field for the specified key from the specified key catalog.

  • GetAllKeyDefinitions

    Gets all the key definitions from the specified key catalog.

  • DeleteAllKeyDefinitions

    Deletes all the key definitions in the specified key catalog.

  • GetAllKeys

    Gets all the key tags from the specified key catalog.

New ESTK APIs to update DITA references

The following new APIs have been provided to update DITA references:

  • UpdateDITAReference

    Updates the DITA object represented by the specified element.

  • UpdateDITAReferences

    Updates all DITA references of the specified type. For example, you can use this API to update all conrefs , all xrefs, or all conrefs as well as xrefs.

Support for object styles

Object styles work similar to Paragraph and Character formats but work on objects. Users can save frequently used object properties as a style and can apply these object styles to various objects, such as images, anchored frames, and text frames for consistent size and appearance.

Object styles are controlled through the new Graphicsfmt object (See GraphicsFmt).

Support for multiple views

To support the FrameMaker 11 features of multiple views, ESTK 11 provides a new property ActiveView, which can be set to one of the following:

  • WYSIWYG View

  • Author View

  • XML View

Support for hotspots in objects

ESTK 11 supports hotspots through the following properties:

  • ViewHotspotIndicators (See CombinedFontDefn)

    A document-level property that turns on hotspot indicators. A hotspot indicator is a square box at the centre of an object to indicate that the object is a hotspot.

  • IsHotspot (See AFrame)

    An object-level property that specifies whether an object is a hotspot. If this property is turned off, the object is no longer considered a hotspot.

  • HotspotCmdStr (See AFrame)

    The command string for the hotspot, similar to the hypertext command string. This is an object-level property.

  • HotspotTitle (See AFrame)

    The tooltip for the hotspot. Applicable for the output formats that support it (for example HTML). This is an object-level property and is optional.

Interactive multimedia links for 3D objects

ESTK 11 provides the following properties to manage links to embedded U3D (Universal 3D), FLV file, and SWF file in the PDF output. (See Inset)

  • InsetGfxPlayWindowInPdf

    If this property is set, on publishing a document to PDF, inset objects that have facets of type FLV, U3D, or SWF will be activated in a new Window in a PDF.

  • InsetGfxActiveInPdf

    If this property is set, on publishing a document to PDF, inset objects that have facetsof type FLV, U3D, or SWF will be activated as soon as the page containing thegraphic object is visible.

  • InsetGfxName

    This property assigns a name to inset objects that have facets of type FLV, U3D, or SWF.

  • InsetJavaScriptAttached

    Indicates whether Javascript is attached with the graphic object that has a U3D facet.

  • InsetJavaScriptFile

    Use this property to attach a Javascript file to a graphic object that has a U3D facet. If the value of the file path sepecified is null, the Javascript file attached to the inset is removed.

  • InsetSaveFacetToFile

    Saves the given facet of an inset to a given file.

  • InsetU3dViewList

    Returns the list of views defined in the U3D facet of an inset object.

  • InsetU3dAnimationList

    Returns the list of animations defined in the U3D facet of an inset object.

  • InsetU3dPartList

    Returns the list of parts defined in the U3D facet of an inset object.

  • InsetMonikerFilePath

    Returns the file path of the moniker of an inset object that has an OLE2 facet.

Support for referring to content using line numbers

ESTK 11 supports the setting of line numbers. The line numbers are set at a document level and appear before the line. the following properties are provided for managing line numbers:

  • LineNumRestart (See Doc)

    If set, restarts line number display on each page.

  • LineNumShow (See Doc)

    If set, enables the line number display.

  • LineNumDistance (See Doc)

    Sets the line number display width, that is the space in which the line numbers are displayed.

Support for guided structured authoring with banner text

Banner text in a FrameMaker file instructs the about what to enter in an element. You can control the instructional text you want to display for each of the elements.The following properties are used to handle banner text:

  • BannerText (See ElementDef)

    Property of element definition object, ElementDef. Users can set, change or query the banner text associated with an element definition object.

  • BannerTextDisplay (See Doc)

    Boolean property of document specifying whether banner text should be displayed in a document.

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